About me

Common advice tells the young filmmaker to pick a part of the craft and get really really good at it. this advice never seemed true to me.

Every single time I got better at one part of the craft, it grew my understanding of other parts just as much, if not more. experience editing let me know what shots are more or less needed in the shoot, experience as a camera man made me better at managing time tables to be a better AD and producer, experience producing helped me realize artistic goals as writer and director, and so on. this art is so deeply interconneted, I don’t know how to learn it without learning, bit by bit, all of it.

My Values:
Pre-production pre-production pre-production.
Shooting days should be productive, fun, cover everything that was planned, and finish on time.
You can learn from anything and everyone.
We do it because we love it.

My Services:
Full Production, from writing to final cut.
Cinematography, Photography, Videography.
After Effects, Motion Graphics, Colour Grading.
Editing of short form content.
Michael Endo Weil